NELDO features
The features of the website allow the content to be presented and used in four main ways. These features aim to offer easy to access information and the ability to perform more in-depth or targeted investigations. Thereby, one of the features may deliver enough information for your needs and combining this with other available features is likely to provide further insight into your enquiries.
* JSNA = Joint Strategic Needs Assessment
Profiles are a major feature of the website and provide standard summaries of key data. Profiles are themed and include a summary for each ward in North East Lincolnshire.
Maps are used to show data for a geographic area. Maps can be produced for a selected data and geography level. Several thematic, or choropleth, map options are available to use.
The website includes the JSNA for North East Lincolnshire and additional local reports and supporting files relevant to the local authority area and the Yorkshire and The Humber region.
Data from the National Data Store is included in the profiles and maps and can also be explored in more detail including a metadata description which includes information about the origin of the data. This data is refreshed within 48 hour and the profiles are refreshed within 5 working days of the release date. The availability of time series data and geographies varies according to the indicator.
Data discovery tools support the identification of specific indicators explore the data in a range of formats including data tables, charts and maps. Download and printing options are available throughout the website.