Other assessments and surveys
Active Humber have published a Press Red briefing on the physical activity of adults in North East Lincolnshire.
Adult Physical Activity 2022
A gambling in North East Lincolnshire report has been produced which considers the scale and effect of gambling in North East Lincolnshire. The report also explores the availability of information on local gambling activity, the types of activity, the licensing regime, and the relationships with local economic activity, and on health and wellbeing.
Gambling in North East Lincolnshire 2021
A veteran’s health needs assessment has been undertaken to help understand the needs of this population, and which pulls together a wide range of national research, and local data and information from across the partnership.
Veteran's Health Needs Assessment 2021
The Northern Lincolnshire health protection report is an overview of outcomes relating to health protection across North and North East Lincolnshire.
Northern Lincolnshire Health Protection Annual Report 2021-22
A mental health and wellbeing needs assessment has been carried across the life course, including stakeholder surveys, community engagement, literature and evidence reviews, local service review, and a wide range of local data analysis.
Mental health and wellbeing needs assessment summary 2019
Mental health and wellbeing needs assessment main report 2019
Mental health and wellbeing needs assessment main slide set 2019
Research report on the use of new psychoactive substances 2019
A needs assessment of rough sleepers in North East Lincolnshire has been undertaken which describes the backgrounds of local rough sleepers, explores their current needs, and pulls together a range of information to form a local evidence base.
Rough Sleepers Needs Assessment 2019
An analysis of premature mortality (deaths of people aged between 18 and 65) in North East Lincolnshire has been undertaken to understand the main causes and patterns locally.
Under-65 Mortality Report 2019
A local financial resilience study provided insight around how financially resilient local households are to recover from financial shocks, understand local access to economic resources, and determined local financial knowledge and behaviour.
Financial Resilience Needs Assessment 2017
A substance misuse needs assessment has been undertaken which utilised a wide range of datasets and information sources to assess the local impact of drug and alcohol misuse, and summarised the specialist substance misuse services provision and recovery services that operate locally.
Substance Misuse Needs Assessment 2017
A sexual health needs assessment has been undertaken which explores local needs and inequalities, includes staff and patient engagement, a review of local provision, and the analysis of a wide range of sexual health data.
Sexual health needs assessment main report 2017
Sexual health needs assessment technical document 2017
Sexual health needs assessment engagement report 2017
A Burden of Disease in Northern Lincolnshire study examined the likely impacts of disease (particularly long-term conditions) on the local health and social care system, and identified interventions and prevention strategies required to address these.
BoD in Northern Lincolnshire 2016
Following this, a more in-depth analysis focussing on the burden of disease in North East Lincolnshire was undertaken.
BoD in North East Lincolnshire 2017
A health on the high street report reviews the strengths and weaknesses of the primary business streets in North East Lincolnshire from a public health perspective, looking to see if they are promoting health or detrimental to public health and contributing to health inequalities.
Health on the high street report 2016