Children's JSNA
Needs differ across the life course therefore a suite of children’s information has been pulled together to form a dedicated children’s JSNA and which will complement our overarching JSNA. A vulnerability in children and young people needs assessment has been undertaken. The Children’s Commissioner in England defines vulnerability as ‘the additional needs or barriers children face which may make them less likely to live healthy, happy, safe lives, or less likely to have successful transitions to adulthood’. This health needs assessment describes the nature and prevalence of vulnerabilities in children and young people in North East Lincolnshire, along with their associated impact on health and wellbeing outcomes. A modular approach has been taken, which describes the nature and impact of vulnerability at key points through childhood. A series of recommendations have been made to inform local priorities and maximise resource efficiency, and a range of preventive measures have also been identified.
Module 1 - About this Health Needs Assessment
Module 2 - Background
Module 3 - Demography and Deprivation
Module 4 - Start Well: Healthy Birth
Module 5 - Start Well: Early Years
Module 6 - Five up in North East Lincolnshire
Module 7 - Developing Well
Module 8 - Parental and Social Factors
Module 9 - Service Utilisation: Children's Services
Module 10 - Service Utilisation: Health Services
Module 11 - Exploring Resilience
Module 12 - How well are we meeting needs?
Evidence Review - Childhood Vulnerabilities and Outcomes in Early Adulthood
Best Practice Guidelines and Useful Literature
The needs assessment was presented to the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Executive Board.
To inform our SEND joint commissioning strategies, a comprehensive summary of local SEND information has been produced, and this includes survey results, qualitative engagement, and a detailed data briefing.
SEND Strategies Data Summary
Letting young people have their say is vital to understanding their needs. The Adolescent Lifestyle Survey (ALS) is a way to gather information around the health and wellbeing issues that affect our young people locally. The ALS covers a wide range of topics and has been undertaken in North East Lincolnshire several times over a number of years. So that NELC may take steps to meet the individual needs of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) adolescents, they have explored the inequalities these groups suffer in a separate document, found alongside the 2021 summary below. Gambling and Smoking in this age group are also key interest areas of NELC, so they have produced summaries on both of these topics too.
2021, Focus on Sex, Focus on LGBT children, Focus on Gambling, Focus on Smoking, Focus on Nutrition and FSM
Emotional and mental health issues are common among children and young people. A child and adolescent emotional wellbeing and mental health needs assessment has been carried, out incorporating local analysis along with reviews of local services and relevant literature.
Child and Adolescent Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health 2017
Active Humber have published a report on the physical activity behaviour of local children and young people.
Active Humber physical activity report